Today while I was reading the new Reviewed By You on the Club Penguin community blog I noticed that the word "team" on the blog post sign off was blue. I then found out that if you go to the newest post on the Club Penguin community blog and click "team", you will be directed to the Club Penguin Beta Website!
(Or click here)
On this website you can test all kinds of things related to Club Penguin that the team is working on.
Although there are a lot of prompts you have to know to navigate around this site, it's not too hard to get the gist of.
- Type "ls" in the top bar to list all of the games.
- Type play (game name) in the top bar to go directly to a game of your choice.
- Type rate (number out of number) in the top bar to rate a game.
- Type comment (your text here) in the top bar to to submit a comment about a game.
- Type "clear" to clear the screen.
- Type "log out", to log out.
The only actual game that is available to test right now is Rollerscape. I've given it a try and it's actually really cool! Use your arrow buttons to navigate!
It looks like there is going to be an option to look through puffle hat ideas and Rollerscape history, but at this time those pages just appear with a blank black screen.
Wow! This is really interesting! Thank you Club Penguin for allowing us to find this test site so we can help test new things that are in the works of being created for Club Penguin island.
Click here to access the Beta Testing site now!